The Local Yarn

            Here no ſtate chambers in long lines unfold,
Bright with broad mirrors, rough with fretted gold,
Yet modeſt ornament with uſe combined
Attracts the eye to excerciſe the mind.
Suffer me that I may ſpeak,
and after that I have ſpoken,
mock on.
Book of Job, ch. xxi (KJV)

Yarnian telos

The Local Yarn (TLY) is a garden of notes, poetry and found inspiration, published by Joel Dueck — online since 1998 and in print since 2020. Whatever gets done here, the idea is to:

  • Invite and reward exploration
  • Make luſh, prolific and expert uſe of language and typography, even obſcure or gratuitous variants, purely for their own ſake

How to read it

Most online publications are like streams, where older things are continually swept out of sight by newer things. TLY is intended to be more of a garden: a place where older things are not only worth exploring, but re-featured and refreshed with additional thoughts, even after many years.