On this page:
4.1 Series list

4 Defining Series

To create a new series:

  1. Create a file "my-key.poly.pm" inside series-folder and include a call to fenced-listing to list all the articles and notes that will be included in the series:
    #lang pollen
    (define-meta title "My New Series")
    block{Here’s what we call a bunch of similar articles:
    (fenced-listing (articles 'short))

  2. Add an entry for my-key to series-list in "series-list.rkt"

  3. Use (define-meta series "my-key") in articles to add them to the series.

  4. If series-ptree-ordered? is #t, create a pagetree file in series-folder named "my-key.ptree".

4.1 Series list

 (require "series-list.rkt")

This module contains the most commonly used bits of meta-info about series. Storing these bits in a hash table of structs makes them faster to retrieve than when they are stored inside the metas of the Pollen documents for the series themselves.

An immutable hash containing all the title and noun info for each series. Each key is a string and each value is a series struct.


(struct series (key
    #:extra-constructor-name make-series)
  key : string?
  title : string?
  noun-plural : string?
  noun-singular : string?
  ptree-ordered? : boolean?
Struct for holding metadata for a series. The ptree-ordered? value should be #t if there is a "key.ptree" file in series-folder that provides information on how articles in the series are ordered.