◊(Local Yarn Code "crystalize.scrbl at [ead156b1]")

File code-docs/crystalize.scrbl artifact 146fa5fb part of check-in ead156b1

#lang scribble/manual

@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.

@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")

@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"


@defmodule["crystalize.rkt" #:packages ()]

“Crystalizing” is an extra layer in between docs and templates that destructures the doc and stores
it in various pieces in a SQLite cache. Individual articles save chunks of rendered HTML to the
cache when their individual pages are rendered. When pulling together listings of articles in
different contexts that need to be filtered and sorted, a SQL query is much faster than trolling
through the Pollen cache for matching docs and regenerating the HTML.

@defproc[(init-cache-db!) void?]

Initializes the SQLite database cache file (named @filepath{vitreous.sqlite} and located in the
project root folder) by running queries to create tables in the database if they do not exist. (The
file itself is created at the module level.)

This function is called automatically in @filepath{pollen.rkt} whenever HTML is the target output.

@defproc[(parse-and-cache-article! [pagenode pagenode?] [doc txexpr?]) non-empty-string?]

Returns a string containing the HTML of @racket[_doc]. @margin-note{This is one function that breaks
my convention of using a prefix of @tt{html$-} for functions that return a single string of HTML.}

Privately, it does a lot of other work. The article is analyzed, additional metadata is constructed,
and it is saved to the SQLite cache. If the article specifies a @racket['series] meta, information
about that series is fetched and used in the rendering of the article. If there are @racket[note]s
in the doc, they are parsed and saved individually to the SQLite cache. If any of the notes use the
@code{#:disposition} attribute, information about the disposition is parsed out and used in the
rendering of the article.

                                 [query-func (-> any/c query?)]
                                 [#:series series (or/c string? (listof string? boolean?)) #t]
                                 [#:limit limit integer? -1]
                                 [order stringish? 'desc]) txexpr?]
                                 [query-func (-> any/c query?)]
                                 [#:series series (or/c string? (listof string? boolean?)) #t]
                                 [#:limit limit integer? -1]
                                 [order stringish? 'desc]) txexpr?]
                                 [query-func (-> any/c query?)]
                                 [#:series series (or/c string? (listof string? boolean?)) #t]
                                 [#:limit limit integer? -1]
                                 [order stringish? 'desc]) txexpr?])]

Fetches the HTML for items from the SQLite cache and returns the HTML strings fenced inside
a @racket['style] tagged X-expression. The items will be ordered by publish date according to
@racket[_order] and optionally limited to the series specified in @racket[_series].

The @racket[_query-func] should be either @racket[articles], which will create a listing of articles
only, or @racket[articles+notes], which will include notes intermingled with articles.

@margin-note{Note that the signature shown for the @racket[_query-func] argument above is
incomplete. If you choose to pass a function other than @racket[articles] or
@racket[articles+notes], you must use a function with exactly the same signature as those

If @racket[_series] expression evaluates to @racket[#f], articles will not be filtered by series. If
it evaluates to @racket[#t] (the default), articles will be filtered by those that specify the
current output of @racket[here-output-path] in their @tt{series_pagenode} column in the SQLite
cache. If a string is supplied, articles will be filtered by those containing that exact value in
their @tt{series_pagenode} column in the SQLite cache.

The @racket[_order] expression must evaluate to either @racket["ASC"] or @racket["DESC"] and the
@racket[_limit] expressions must evaluate to a value suitable for use in the @tt{LIMIT} clause of
@ext-link["https://sqlite.org/lang_select.html"]{a SQLite @tt{SELECT} statement}. An expression that
evaluates to a negative integer (the default) is the same as having no limit.

The reason for enclosing the results in a @racket['style] txexpr is to prevent the HTML from being
escaped by @racket[->html] in the template. This tag was picked for the job because there will
generally never be a need to include any actual CSS information inside a @tt{<style>} tag in any
page, so it can be safely filtered out later. To remove the enclosing @tt{<style>} tag, see

@deftogether[(@defproc[(articles [type (or/c 'full 'excerpt 'short)]
                                 [#:series series (or/c string? (listof string? boolean?)) #t]
                                 [#:limit limit integer? -1]
                                 [order stringish? 'desc]) query?]
              @defproc[(articles+notes [type (or/c 'full 'excerpt 'short)]
                                       [#:series series (or/c string? (listof string? boolean?)) #t]
                                       [#:limit limit integer? -1]
                                       [order stringish? 'desc]) query?])]

Create a query that fetches either articles only (@racket[articles]) or articles and notes
intermingled (@racket[articles+notes]), sorted by publish date and optionally limited to
a particular series.

Typically you will pass these functions by name to listing functions like @racket[<listing-full>]
rather than calling them directly.

@defproc[(unfence [html string?]) string?]

Returns @racket[_html] with all occurrences of @racket["<style>"] and @racket["</style>"] removed.
The contents of the style tags are left intact.

Use this with strings returned from @racket[->html] when called on docs that use the
@racket[<listing-full>] tag function or its siblings.

@defparam[current-plain-title non-empty-string? #:value "void"]

Contains (or sets) the “plain” title (i.e., with no HTML markup) for the current article based on
analysis done by @racket[parse-and-cache-article!]. If the article did not specify a title,
a default title is supplied. If the article contained a @racket[note] that used the
@code{#:disposition} attribute, the disposition-mark may be included in the title.

Note that this needs to be called @emph{after} @racket[parse-and-cache-article!] in order to get an
up-to-date value.