◊(Local Yarn Code "snippets-html.scrbl at [47d9eea5]")

File code-docs/snippets-html.scrbl artifact 178dfa09 part of check-in 47d9eea5

#lang scribble/manual

@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.

@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")

@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"

@title{HTML snippets}

@defmodule["snippets-html.rkt" #:packages ()]

Each “snippet” module provides all (well @emph{most of}) the document- and article-level blocks of
structural markup necessary for a particular target output format; this one is for HTML. The idea is
that any block of markup that might be reused across more than one template should be a function.

The functions in the snippets modules follow two conventions in this project:

  @item{Functions that return strings of HTML have the prefix @tt{html$-}.}
  @item{Such functions do not do any parsing or destructuring of complex objects; every separate
  piece that will be inserted into the template is passed in as a separate argument. This makes it
  harder to change the scope of what a snippet does, but makes things faster since all the parsing
  can happen in one place, before the snippet functions are called.} ]

@section{Using @tt{pollen/mode}}

It’s worth looking at the source for this file to see how @racketmodname[pollen/mode] can be used to
make it easy to write “mini-template” functions:

#lang pollen/mode racket/base

(define (html$-my-article title body-tx)
    ◊(->html body-tx)

@section{HTML Snippet functions}

@defproc[(html$-page-head [title (or/c string? #f) #f] [close-head? boolean? #t])

Returns the @tt{<head>} section of an HTML document.

If @racket[_title] is a string it will be used inside the @tt{<title>} tag.

If you want to include additional stuff inside the @tt{<head>}, you can set @racket[_close-head?] to
@racket[#f] to prevent it from including the closing @tt{</head>} tag (you’ll have to add it

@defproc[(html$-page-body-open [body-class string? ""]) non-empty-string?]{

Returns the opening @tt{<body>} and @tt{<main>} tags and elements that immediately follow, such as
site header, logo and navigation.

If @racket[_body-class] is a non-empty string, its contents will be included in the @tt{class}
attribute of the @tt{<body>} tag.

@defproc[(html$-series-list) non-empty-string?]{

Returns an HTML @tt{<section>} containing a list of all series, grouped by their “plural nouns”. The
grouped list will flow into columns on wider displays.

@defproc[(html$-article-open [pagenode pagenode?] 
                             [title-specified-in-doc? boolean?] 
                             [title txexpr?] 
                             [pubdate string?])

Returns the opening @tt{<article>} tag and elements that immediately follow: permlink, publish date,
and opening @tt{<section>} tag.

The @racket[_title-specified-in-doc?] form changes the HTML markup structure used.

@defproc[(html$-article-close [footertext string?]) non-empty-string?]{

Returns a string containing a closing @tt{<section>} tag, a @tt{<footer>} element containing
@racket[_footertext], and a closing @tt{<article>} tag. If @racket[_footertext] is empty, the
@tt{<footer>} element will be omitted.

@defproc[(html$-article-listing-short [pagenode pagenode?] [pubdate string?] [title string?])

Returns a string of HTML for an article as it would appear in a listing context in “short” form
(date and title only, with link).

@defproc[(html$-page-footer) non-empty-string?]{
Returns an HTML @tt{<footer>} tag for use at the bottom of each page.

@defproc[(html$-page-body-close) non-empty-string?]{

Returns a string containing the page’s @tt{<footer>} and closing tags.

@defproc[(html$-note-contents [disposition-mark string?] [elems (listof xexpr?)])

Returns a string containing the body-elements of a note converted to HTML. If
@racket[_disposition-mark] is not empty, a @tt{<span>} containing it will be inserted as the first
element of the first block-level element.

@defproc[(html$-note-listing-full [pagenode pagenode?]
                                  [note-id string?] 
                                  [title-html-flow string?]
                                  [date string?]
                                  [contents string?] 
                                  [author string? (default-authorname)] 
                                  [author-url string? ""])

Returns a string containing the complete HTML markup for a @racket[note], including title, permlink,
date, contents and author, suitable for display outside the context of its parent article.

@defproc[(html$-note-in-article [id string?] 
                                [date string?] 
                                [contents string?] 
                                [author string?]
                                [author-url string?]) non-empty-string?]{

Like @racket[html$-note-listing-full], but returns HTML for a @racket[note] suitable for display
inside its parent article.

@defproc[(html$-notes-section [note-htmls string?]) non-empty-string?]{

Returns the complete HTML for the @italic{Further Notes} section of an article.

@defproc[(html$-paginate-navlinks [current-page exact-positive-integer?] 
                                  [pagecount exact-positive-integer?]
                                  [basename string?]) string?]{

On the “blog”, the articles are split across multiple files: @filepath{blog-pg1.html},
@filepath{blog-pg2.html}, etc. This function provides a string containing HTML for a group of links
that can be given within each file, to link to the pages that come before/after it. 

The links are enclosed within @tt{<li>} tags. It’s up to the calling site to provide the enclosing
@tt{<ul>} tag (in case any custom styling or IDs need to be applied).