Index: .fossil-settings/ignore-glob
--- .fossil-settings/ignore-glob
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Index: articles/
--- articles/
+++ articles/
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◊(define-meta published "2019-04-11")
◊title{What Should People Do With Old Journals?}
-When I die, I’ll leave behind a lot of ◊index{journals} and notebooks. These may be of
+When I die, I’ll leave behind a lot of ◊pin{journals} and notebooks. These may be of
interest to my immediate family, but they won’t exactly be great leisure reading. The only obvious
choices are to keep them in a box in the attic, or eventually throw them out.
+A ◊def{journal} is a collection of personal observations.
There ought to be a third choice. Even the most mundane journal has great value simply because it
contains lots of historical information about current thinking, lifestyle habits, values, and events,
things which change wildly over long time periods.
-On the receiving end, suppose you inherit your great-grandfather’s journal; he has been dead for
+◊blockquote[#:caption "hi"]{On the receiving end, suppose you inherit your great-grandfather’s journal; he has been dead for
decades and you never knew him personally. If you can find the time, you pore over it for an hour or
two, deciphering the handwriting. You learn some facts about him and how he looked at things. What
-happens after that?
+happens after that?}
-I have an idea that there should be an ◊index[#:key "archives"]{archive}, a public repository for
+I have an idea that there should be an ◊pin[#:key "archives"]{archive}, a public repository for
things like this. You could send in your great-grandfather’s journal for use by future historians.
They would digitize or transcribe it, analyze it, and tag it with metadata about who wrote it, when
they wrote it, and generally what topics they wrote about. They could allow you to specify that it
must remain private until a specified date, and provide you with a digital copy, or even a nice hard
copy if you wanted to pay a little extra.
This would give researchers a huge resource to draw upon, and allow the full value of old journals
(the sentimental ◊em{and} the historic value) to be realized, without compromising anyone’s
DELETED cache.rkt
Index: cache.rkt
--- cache.rkt
+++ cache.rkt
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-#lang racket/base
-; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-(require deta
- db/base
- db/sqlite3
- threading
- pollen/setup
- racket/match
- "dust.rkt"
- (except-in pollen/core select))
-(provide init-cache-db!
- cache-conn ; The most eligible bachelor in Neo Yokyo
- (schema-out cache:article)
- (schema-out cache:note)
- (schema-out cache:index-entry)
- (schema-out listing)
- delete-article!
- delete-notes!
- delete-index-entries!
- save-cache-things!
- articles
- articles+notes
- listing-htmls
- fenced-listing
- unfence)
-;; Cache DB and Schemas
-(define DBFILE (build-path (current-project-root) "vitreous.sqlite"))
-(define cache-conn (make-parameter (sqlite3-connect #:database DBFILE #:mode 'create)))
-(define-schema cache:article #:table "articles"
- ([id id/f #:primary-key #:auto-increment]
- [page symbol/f]
- [title-plain string/f #:nullable]
- [title-html-flow string/f #:nullable]
- [title-specified? boolean/f #:nullable]
- [published string/f #:nullable]
- [updated string/f #:nullable]
- [author string/f #:nullable]
- [conceal string/f]
- [series-page symbol/f #:nullable]
- [noun-singular string/f #:nullable]
- [note-count integer/f #:nullable]
- [content-html string/f #:nullable]
- [disposition string/f #:nullable]
- [disp-html-anchor string/f #:nullable]
- [listing-full-html string/f #:nullable] ; full content but without notes
- [listing-excerpt-html string/f #:nullable] ; Not used for now
- [listing-short-html string/f #:nullable])) ; Date and title only
-(define-schema cache:note #:table "notes"
- ([id id/f #:primary-key #:auto-increment]
- [page symbol/f]
- [html-anchor string/f]
- [title-html-flow string/f] ; No block-level HTML elements
- [title-plain string/f]
- [author string/f]
- [author-url string/f]
- [published string/f]
- [disposition string/f]
- [content-html string/f]
- [series-page symbol/f]
- [conceal string/f]
- [listing-full-html string/f]
- [listing-excerpt-html string/f] ; Not used for now
- [listing-short-html string/f])) ; Date and title only
-(define-schema cache:index-entry #:table "index_entries"
- ([id id/f #:primary-key #:auto-increment]
- [entry string/f]
- [subentry string/f]
- [page symbol/f]
- [html-anchor string/f]))
-(define-schema listing
- #:virtual
- ([path string/f]
- [title string/f]
- [author string/f]
- [published string/f]
- [updated string/f]
- [html string/f]))
-(define (init-cache-db!)
- (create-table! (cache-conn) 'cache:article)
- (create-table! (cache-conn) 'cache:note)
- (create-table! (cache-conn) 'cache:index-entry))
-(define (delete-article! page)
- (query-exec (cache-conn)
- (~> (from cache:article #:as a)
- (where (= ,(format "~a" page)))
- delete)))
-(define (delete-notes! page)
- (query-exec (cache-conn)
- (~> (from cache:note #:as n)
- (where (= ,(format "~a" page)))
- delete)))
-(define (delete-index-entries! page)
- (query-exec (cache-conn)
- (~> (from cache:index-entry #:as e)
- (where (= ,(format "~a" page)))
- delete)))
-(define (save-cache-things! es)
- (void (apply insert! (cache-conn) es)))
-;; ~~~ Fetching articles and notes ~~~
-;; (Private use) Conveniece function for the WHERE `series-page` clause
-(define (where-series q s)
- (define (s->p x) (format "~a/~a.html" series-folder x))
- (match s
- [(list series ...)
- (where q (in a.series-page ,(map s->p series)))] ; WHERE series-page IN (item1 ...)
- [(or (? string? series) (? symbol? series))
- (where q (= a.series-page ,(s->p series)))] ; WHERE series-page = "item"
- [#t
- (where q (like a.series-page ,(format "%~a" (here-output-path))))]
- [_ q]))
-;; (Private use) Convenience for the WHERE `conceal` NOT LIKE clause
-(define (where-not-concealed q)
- (define base-clause (where q (not (like a.conceal "%all%"))))
- (match (listing-context)
- ["" base-clause]
- [(var context) (where base-clause (not (like a.conceal ,(format "%~a%" context))))]))
-;; Needed to "parameterize" column names
-;; see
-(require (prefix-in ast: deta/private/ast))
-;; Builds a query to fetch articles
-(define (articles type #:series [s #t] #:limit [lim -1] #:order [ord 'desc])
- (define html-field
- (match type
- ['content "content_html"]
- [_ (format "listing_~a_html" type)]))
- (~> (from cache:article #:as a)
- (select (as path)
- (as a.title-plain title)
- a.published
- a.updated
- (fragment (ast:as (ast:qualified "a" html-field) "html")))
- (where-series s)
- (where-not-concealed)
- (limit ,lim)
- (order-by ([a.published ,ord]))
- (project-onto listing-schema)))
-;; Builds a query that returns articles and notes intermingled chronologically
-(define (articles+notes type #:series [s #t] #:limit [lim -1] #:order [ord 'desc])
- (define html-field
- (match type
- ['content "content_html"]
- [_ (format "listing_~a_html" type)]))
- (~> (from (subquery
- (~> (from cache:article #:as A)
- (select
- (as path)
- (as A.title-plain title)
- A.published
- A.updated
- (fragment (ast:as (ast:qualified "A" html-field) "html"))
- A.series-page
- A.conceal)
- (union
- (~> (from cache:note #:as N)
- (select
- (as (array-concat "#" N.html-anchor) path)
- (as N.title-plain title)
- N.published
- (as "" updated)
- (fragment (ast:as (ast:qualified "N" html-field) "html"))
- N.series-page
- N.conceal)))))
- #:as a)
- (where-series s)
- (where-not-concealed)
- (limit ,lim)
- (order-by ([a.published ,ord]))
- (project-onto listing-schema)))
-;; Get all the a list of the HTML all the results in a query
-(define (listing-htmls list-query)
- (for/list ([l (in-entities (cache-conn) list-query)])
- (listing-html l)))
-;; Return cached HTML of articles and/or notes, fenced within a style txexpr to prevent it being
-;; escaped by ->html. See also: definition of `unfence`
-(define (fenced-listing q)
- `(style ,@(listing-htmls q)))
-;; Remove "" introduced by using ->html on docs containing output from
-;; listing functions
-(define (unfence html-str)
- (regexp-replace* #px"<[\\/]{0,1}style>" html-str ""))
DELETED code-docs/cache.scrbl
Index: code-docs/cache.scrbl
--- code-docs/cache.scrbl
+++ code-docs/cache.scrbl
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-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt" scribble/example)
-@(require (for-label deta
- db
- racket/base
- racket/contract
- sugar/coerce
- pollen/template
- "../dust.rkt"
- "../crystalize.rkt"
- "../cache.rkt"))
-@(define example-eval (make-base-eval))
-@(example-eval '(require "cache.rkt" txexpr))
-@title[#:tag "cache-rkt"]{Cache}
-@defmodule["cache.rkt" #:packages ()]
-In this project there are several places – the blog, the footer on each page, the RSS feed, series
-pages — where data from an amorphous group of Pollen documents is needed. This is what the cache is
-This module defines and provides the schema and database connection to the SQLite cache, and some
-functions for retrieving records from the cache. Use these when you need quick access to pre-cooked
-@section{Cache database}
-@defparam[cache-conn conn connection?]{
-The database connection.
-@defproc[(init-cache-db!) void?]{
-Creates and initializes the SQLite database cache file (named @filepath{vitreous.sqlite} and located
-in the project root folder) by running queries to create tables in the database if they do not
-@section{Retrieving cached data}
-Some of this looks a little wacky, but it’s a case of putting a little extra complextity into the
-back end to make things simple on the front end. These functions are most commonly used inside the
-@emph{body} of a Pollen document (i.e., series pages).
-#lang pollen
-◊title{My New Series}
-...some other content
-◊fenced-listing[(articles+notes 'excerpt #:order 'asc)]
-@defproc[(fenced-listing [query query?]) txexpr?]{
-Fetches a the HTML strings from the SQLite cache and returns a @racket['style] tagged X-expression
-with these strings as its elements. The @racket[_query] will usually be the result of a call to
-@racket[articles] or @racket[articles+notes], but can be any custom query that projects onto the
-@racket[listing] schema (see @racket[project-onto]).
-The reason for enclosing the results in a @racket['style] txexpr is to prevent the HTML from being
-escaped by @racket[->html] in the template. This tag was picked for the job because there will
-generally never be a need to include any actual CSS information inside a @tt{"] removed.
-The contents of the style tags are left intact.
-Use this in templates with strings returned from @racket[->html] when called on docs that use the
-@racket[fenced-listing] tag function.
-@section{Modifying the cache}
- [things (listof (or/c cache:article? cache:note? cache:index-entry?))]) void?]{
-Saves all the @racket[_thing]s to the cache database.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(delete-article! [page stringish?]) void?]
- @defproc[(delete-notes! [page stringish?]) void?])]{
-Delete a particular article, or all notes for a particular article, respectively.
-The cache database has four tables: @tt{articles}, @tt{notes}, @tt{index_entries} and @tt{series}.
-Each of these has a corresponding schema, shown below. In addition, there is a “virtual” schema,
-@tt{listing}, for use with queries which may or may not combine articles and notes intermingled.
-The work of picking apart an article’s exported @tt{doc} and @tt{metas} into rows in these tables is
-done by @racket[parse-and-cache-article!].
-The below are shown as @code{struct} forms but are actually defined with deta’s
-@racket[define-schema]. Each schema has an associated struct with the same name and a smart
-constructor called @tt{make-@emph{id}}. The struct’s “dumb” constructor is hidden so that invalid
-entities cannot be created. For every defined field there is an associated functional setter and
-updater named @tt{set-@emph{id}-field} and @tt{update-@emph{id}-field}, respectively.
-@defstruct*[cache:article ([id id/f]
- [page symbol/f]
- [title-plain string/f]
- [title-html-flow string/f]
- [title-specified boolean/f]
- [published string/f]
- [updated string/f]
- [author string/f]
- [conceal string/f]
- [series-page string/f]
- [noun-singular string/f]
- [note-count integer/f]
- [content-html string/f]
- [disposition string/f]
- [disp-html-anchor string/f]
- [listing-full-html string/f]
- [listing-excerpt-html string/f]
- [listing-short-html string/f])
- #:constructor-name make-cache:article]{
-Table holding cached @tech{article} information.
-When creating a @racket[cache:article] (should you ever need to do so directly, which is unlikely),
-the only required fields are @racket[_page], @racket[_title], and @racket[_conceal].
-@defstruct*[cache:note ([id id/f]
- [page symbol/f]
- [html-anchor string/f]
- [title-html-flow string/f]
- [title-plain string/f]
- [author string/f]
- [author-url string/f]
- [published string/f]
- [disposition string/f]
- [content-html string/f]
- [series-page symbol/f]
- [conceal string/f]
- [listing-full-html string/f]
- [listing-excerpt-html string/f]
- [listing-short-html string/f])
- #:constructor-name make-cache:note]{
-Table holding cached information on @tech{notes}.
-@defstruct*[cache:index-entry ([id id/f]
- [entry string/f]
- [subentry string/f]
- [page symbol/f]
- [html-anchor string/f])
- #:constructor-name make-cache:index-entry]{
-Table holding cached information about index entries found in @tech{articles}.
-@defstruct*[listing ([path string/f]
- [title string/f]
- [author string/f]
- [published string/f]
- [updated string/f]
- [html string/f])
- #:constructor-name make-listing]{
-This is a “virtual” schema targeted by @racket[articles] and @racket[articles+notes] using deta’s
-@racket[project-onto]. It supplies the minimum set of fields needed to build the RSS feed, and which
-are common to both articles and notes; most times (e.g., on @tech{series} pages) only the @tt{html}
-field is used, via @racket[fenced-listing] or @racket[listing-htmls].
DELETED code-docs/crystalize.scrbl
Index: code-docs/crystalize.scrbl
--- code-docs/crystalize.scrbl
+++ code-docs/crystalize.scrbl
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-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")
-@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"
- "../crystalize.rkt"
- "../cache.rkt"
- racket/base
- racket/contract
- racket/string
- txexpr
- pollen/core
- pollen/pagetree))
-@title[#:tag "crystalize-rkt"]{Crystalize}
-@defmodule["crystalize.rkt" #:packages ()]
-“Crystalizing” is an extra layer in between docs and templates that destructures the @tt{doc} and
-stores it in various pieces in a SQLite cache. Individual articles save chunks of rendered HTML to
-the cache when their individual pages are rendered. When pulling together listings of articles in
-different contexts that need to be filtered and sorted, a SQL query is much faster than trolling
-through the Pollen cache for matching docs and regenerating the HTML.
-@margin-note{These functions are designed to be used within templates, so that the rows in the cache
-database for a page are updated right when that web page is rendered.}
-@defproc[(parse-and-cache-article! [pagenode pagenode?] [doc txexpr?])
- (values non-empty-string? non-empty-string?)]{
-Returns two values: the “plain” title of the article, and a string containing the full HTML of
-@racket[_doc], in that order.
-The title is returned separately for use in the HTML @tt{
} tag. If the @racket[_doc] doesn’t
-specify a title, a provisional title is constructed using @racket[default-title].
-Privately, it does a lot of other work. The article is analyzed, additional metadata is constructed
-and saved to the SQLite cache and saved using @racket[make-cache:article]. If the article specifies
-a @racket['series] meta, information about that series is fetched and used in the rendering of the
-article. If there are @racket[note]s or @racket[index] tags in the doc, they are parsed and saved
-individually to the SQLite cache (using @racket[make-cache:note] and
-@racket[make-cache:index-entry]). If any of the notes use the @code{#:disposition} attribute,
-information about the disposition is parsed out and used in the rendering of the article.
-@defproc[(cache-index-entries-only! [title string?] [page pagenode?] [doc txexpr?]) void?]{
-Saves only the @racket[index] entres in @racket[_doc] to the cache database, so that they appear in
-the keyword index.
-This function allows pages that are not @tech{articles} to have their own keyword index entries, and
-should be used in the templates for such pages.
-As a side effect of calling this function, a minimal @racket[cache:article] is created for the page
-with its @racket['conceal] meta set to @racket{all}, to exclude it from any listings.
DELETED code-docs/custom.css
Index: code-docs/custom.css
--- code-docs/custom.css
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-.fileblock .SCodeFlow {
- padding-top: 0.7em;
- margin-top: 0;
-.fileblock {
- width: 90%;
- background: #eee;
- text-align:right;
- padding: 0.15em;
- border: 1px dotted black;
- border-bottom: none;
-.terminal, .browser {
- margin-bottom: 1em;
- padding: 0.5em;
- width: 88%;
- background: #fcfcfc;
- color: rgb(150, 35, 105);
-.terminal .SIntrapara, .browser .SIntrapara, .fileblock .SIntrapara {
- margin: 0 0 0 0;
DELETED code-docs/design.scrbl
Index: code-docs/design.scrbl
--- code-docs/design.scrbl
+++ code-docs/design.scrbl
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-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt"
- racket/runtime-path
- (for-label "../pollen.rkt"))
-@(require (for-label racket/base))
-@title{Basic Notions}
-@section[#:tag "design-goals"]{Design Goals}
-The design of @italic{The Local Yarn} is guided by requirements that have evolved since I started
-the site in 1999. I enumerate them here because they explain why the code is necessarily more
-complicated than a typical blog:
- @item{@bold{The writing will publish to two places from the same source: the web server, and the
- bookshelf.} The web server, because it’s a fun, fast way to publish writing and code to the whole
- world (you knew that already); but also on bookshelves, because
- @ext-link[""]{a web server is like
- a projector}, and I want to be able to turn it off someday and still have something to show for all
- my work. Plus, I just like printed books.}
- @item{@bold{Changes are part of the content.} I like to revisit, resurface and amend things I’ve
- written before. Views change, new ideas come along. In a typical blog the focus is always at
- whatever’s happening at the head of the time stream; an addendum to an older post is, for all
- practical purposes, invisible and nearly useless. I want every published edit to an article to be
- findable and linkable. I want addenda to be extremely visible. These addenda should also be able to
- mark major shifts in the author’s own perspective on what they originally wrote.}
- @item{@bold{The system will gracefully accomodate experimentation.} I should be able to write
- fiction, poetry, opinion pieces, minor observations or collections, or anything else, and have or
- create a good home for it here.}
- @item{@bold{Everything produced here should look good.}}
- @item{@bold{Reward exploration without disorienting the reader.} Draw connections between related
- thoughts using typographic conventions and organizational devices that would be familiar to
- a reader of books. Where dissimilar writings appear together, place signals that help the reader
- understand what they are looking at, switch contexts, and find more if they wish.}
- @item{@bold{Everything is produced, and reproducible, by an automatable process.} No clicking or
- tapping around in GUI apps to publish web pages and books.}
- ]
-@section{Names for things and how they fit together}
-The Local Yarn is mostly comprised of @tech{articles} (individual writings) which may contain
-@tech{notes} (addenda by the author or others) and may also be grouped into @tech{series}. These are
-similar to a typical blog’s @italic{posts}, @italic{comments} and @italic{categories}, but there are
-important differences.
-The @deftech{article} is the basic unit of content, like a typical blog post. In the web edition,
-each article has its own @tt{.html} file; in print editions, an article may comprise either
-a chapter or a part of a chapter, depending on the content.
-An article can start out very small — just a date and a few sentences. @bold{Supplying a title is
-optional.} Later, it may grow in any of several directions: @tech{notes} can be added, or a title, or
-cross-references to later articles; or it may be added to a series. Or it may just remain the way it
-A @deftech{note} is a comment or addendum to an @tech{article} using the @racket[note] tag. It may
-be written by the same person who wrote the article, or submitted by a reader.
-@(define-runtime-path diagram-notes "diagram-notes.png")
-As shown above, a note appears at the bottom of the article to which it is attached, but it also
-appears in the blog and in the RSS feed as a separate piece of content, and is given the same visual
-weight as actual articles.
-A note may optionally have a @deftech{disposition} which reflects a change in attitude towards its
-parent article. A disposition consists of a @italic{disposition mark} such as an asterisk or dagger,
-and a past-tense verb. For example, an author may revisit an opinion piece written years earlier and
-add a note describing how their opinion has changed; the tag for this note might include
-@racket[#:disposition "* recanted"] as an attribute. This would cause the @tt{*} to be added to the
-article’s title, and the phrase “Now considered recanted” to be added to the margin, with a link to
-the note.
-@subsubsection{Notes vs. blog “comments”}
-Typical blog comments serve as kind of a temporary discussion spot for a few days or weeks after
-a post is published. Commenting on an old post feels useless because the comment is only visible at
-the bottom of its parent post, and older posts are never “bumped” back into visibility.
-By contrast, notes on @italic{The Local Yarn} appear as self-contained writings at the top of the
-blog and RSS feed as soon as they are published. This “resurfaces” the original article
-to which they are attached. This extra visibility also makes them a good tool for the original
-author to fill out or update the article. In effect, with notes, each article potentially becomes
-its own miniature blog.
-The flip side of this change is that what used to be the “comment section” is no longer allowed to
-function as a kind of per-article chat.
-@tabular[#:sep @hspace[1]
- #:style 'boxed
- #:row-properties '((bottom-border top))
- (list
- (list @bold{Typical Blog Comments} @bold{Local Yarn @emph{Notes}})
- (list "Rarely used after a post has aged"
- "Commonly used on posts many years old")
- (list "Visible only at the bottom of the parent post"
- "Included in the main stream of posts and in the RSS feed alongside actual posts")
- (list "Invites any and all feedback, from small compliments to lengthy rebuttals"
- "Readers invited to treat their responses as submissions to a publication.")
- (list "Usually used by readers"
- "Usually used by the original author")
- (list "Don’t affect the original post"
- "May have properties (e.g. disposition) that change the status and
-presentation of the original post")
- (list "Moderation (if done) is typically binary: approved or not"
- "Moderation may take the form of edits and inline responses."))]
-A @deftech{series} is a grouping of @tech{articles} into a particular order under a descriptive
-title. A series may present its own written content alongside the listing of its articles.
-The page for a series can choose how to display its articles: chronologically, or in an arbitrary
-order. It can display articles only, or a mixed listing of articles and @tech{notes}, like the blog.
-And it can choose to display articles in list form, or as excerpts, or in their entirety.
-A series can specify @italic{nouns} (noun phrases, really) to be applied to its articles. So, for
-example, a series of forceful opinion pieces might designate its articles as @emph{naked
-aspirations}; the phrase “This is a naked aspiration, part of the series @italic{My Uncensored
-Thoughts}” would appear prominently in the margins. Likewise, a time-ordered series of observations
-might call its articles “journal entries”.
-It will be easy for any series to become a printed @emph{book}, using the techniques I
-demonstrated in
-@ext-link[""]{@italic{The Unbearable
-Lightness of Web Pages}}, and in @other-doc['(lib "bookcover/scribblings/bookcover.scrbl")].
-@subsubsection{Series vs. blog “categories”}
-Typical blogs are not very good at presenting content that may vary a lot in subject, length and
-style. The kind of writing I want to experiment with may change a lot from day to day, season to
-season, decade to decade. I wanted a single system that could organize extremely varied kinds of
-writings and present them in a thoughtful, coherent way, rather than starting a new blog every time
-I wanted to try writing a different kind of thing.
-My solution to this was to enrich the idea of “categories”. Rather than being simply labels that you
-slap on blog posts, they would be titled collections with their own unique content and way of
-presenting articles and notes. In addition, they could pass down certain properties to the posts
-they contain, that can be used to give signals to the reader about what they are looking at.
-@tabular[#:sep @hspace[1]
- #:style 'boxed
- #:row-properties '((bottom-border top))
- (list
- (list @bold{Typical Blog Categories/Tags} @bold{Local Yarn @emph{Series}})
- (list "Every article needs to have one"
- "Many or most articles won’t have one")
- (list "Named with a single word"
- "Named with a descriptive title")
- (list "Has no content or properties of its own"
- "Has its own written content, and properties such as nouns, ordering, etc.")
- (list "Broad in scope, few in number"
- "Narrow in scope, many in number")
- (list "Selected to be relevant for use across the entire lifetime of the site"
- "Selected without reference to future creative direction; may be closed after only
- a few articles"))]
DELETED code-docs/diagram-notes.png
Index: code-docs/diagram-notes.png
--- code-docs/diagram-notes.png
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cannot compute difference between binary files
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Index: code-docs/dust.scrbl
--- code-docs/dust.scrbl
+++ code-docs/dust.scrbl
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt"
- scribble/example)
-@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"
- "../dust.rkt"
- "../cache.rkt"
- "../series-list.rkt"
- racket/base
- racket/contract
- txexpr
- sugar/coerce
- pollen/tag
- pollen/setup
- pollen/pagetree
- pollen/core))
-@(define dust-eval (make-base-eval))
-@(dust-eval '(require "dust.rkt" txexpr))
-@defmodule["dust.rkt" #:packages ()]
-This is where I put constants and helper functions that are needed pretty much everywhere in the
-project. In a simpler project these would go in @seclink["pollen-rkt"]{@filepath{pollen.rkt}} but
-here I have other modules sitting “behind” that one in the @tt{require} chain.
-@defthing[default-authorname string? #:value "Joel Dueck"]
-Used as the default author name for @code{note}s, and (possibly in the future) for articles
-@defthing[web-root path-string? #:value "/"]
-Specifies the path between the domain name and the root folder of the website generated by this
-@deftogether[(@defthing[articles-folder path-string? #:value "articles"]
- @defthing[series-folder path-string? #:value "series"])]
-The names of the folders that contain the Pollen source documents for Articles and Series
-respectively, relative to the project’s document root.
-@defthing[images-folder path-string? #:value "images"]
-The name of the subfolders within @racket[articles-folder] and @racket[series-folder] used for
-holding image files.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(articles-pagetree) pagetree?]
- @defproc[(series-pagetree) pagetree?])]
-These are project-wide pagetrees: @racket[articles-pagetree] contains a pagenode for every Pollen
-document contained in @racket[articles-folder], and @racket[series-pagetree] contains a pagenode for
-every Pollen document in @racket[series-folder]. The pagenodes themselves point to the rendered
-@tt{.html} targets of the source documents.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(here-output-path) path?]
- @defproc[(here-source-path) path?])]{
-Returns the path to the current output or source file, relative to @racket[current-project-root]. If
-no metas are available, returns @racket[(string->path ".")].
-For the output path, this is similar to the @tt{here} variable that Pollen provides, except it is
-available outside templates. As to the source path, Pollen provides it via the @racket['here-path]
-key in the current metas, but it is a full absolute path, rather then relative to
-@defproc[(checked-in?) boolean?]{
-Returns @racket[#t] if the current article is checked into the Fossil repo, @racket[#f] otherwise.
-@defproc[(here-id [suffix (or/c (listof string?) string? #f) #f]) string?]
-Returns the 8-character prefix of the SHA1 hash of the current document’s output path. If no metas
-are available, the hash of @racket[(string->path ".")] is used. If @racket[_suffix] evaluates to
-a string or a list of strings, they are appended verbatim to the end of the hash.
-This ID is used when creating URL fragment links within an article, such as for footnotes and index
-entries. As long as the web version of the article is not moved to a new URL, the ID will remain the
-same, which ensures deep links using the ID don’t break. The ID also ensures each article’s internal
-links will be unique, so that links do not collide when multiple articles are being shown on
-a single HTML page.
-@section{Metas and @code{txexpr}s}
-@defproc[(maybe-attr [key symbol?] [attrs txexpr-attrs?] [missing-expr any/c ""]) any/c]
-Find the value of @racket[_key] in the supplied list of attributes, returning the value of
-@racket[_missing-expr] if it’s not there.
-I had to write this because @racket[attr-ref] wants a whole tagged X-expression (not just the
-attributes); also, by default it raises an exception when @racket[_key] is missing, rather than
-returning an empty string.
-@defproc[(maybe-meta [key symbolish?] [missing-expr any/c ""]) any/c]
-Look up a value in @code{(current-metas)} that may or may not be present, returning the value of
-@racket[_missing-expr] if it’s not there.
-@defproc[(tx-strs [tx txexpr?]) string?]
-Finds all the strings from the @emph{elements} of @racket[_tx] (ignoring attributes) and
-concatenates them together.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(tx-strs '(p [[class "intro"]]
- (em "I’m not opening the safe") ", Wilson remembers thinking."))]
-@defproc[(make-tag-predicate [sym symbol?] ...) (-> any/c boolean?)]
-Returns a function (or @italic{predicate}) that returns @racket[#t] if its argument is
-a @racket[_txexpr] whose tag matches any @racket[_sym]. This predicate is useful for passing as the
-@racket[_pred] expression in functions @racket[splitf-txexpr] and @racket[findf-txexpr].
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(define is-aside? (make-tag-predicate 'aside 'sidebar))
-(is-aside? '(q "I am not mad, Sir Topas. I say to you this house is dark."))
-(is-aside? '(aside "How smart a lash that speech doth give my Conscience?"))
-(is-aside? '(sidebar "Many copies that we use today are conflated texts."))]
-@defproc[(first-words [txprs (listof txexpr?)] [n exact-nonnegative-integer?]) string?]
-Given a list of tagged X-expressions, returns a string containing the first @racket[_n] words found
-in the string elements of @racket[_txprs], or all of the words if there are less than @racket[_n]
-words available. Used by @racket[default-title].
-This function aims to be smart about punctuation, and equally fast no matter how large the list of
-elements that you send it.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(define txs-decimals
- '((p "Four score and 7.8 years ago — our fathers etc etc")))
-(define txs-punc-and-split-elems
- '((p "“Stop!” she called.") (p "(She was never one to be silent.)")))
-(define txs-dashes
- '((p [[class "newthought"]] (span [[class "smallcaps"]] "One - and") " only one.")
- (p "That was all she would allow.")))
-(define txs-parens-commas
- '((p "She counted (" (em "one, two") "— silently, eyes unblinking")))
-(define txs-short
- '((span "Not much here!")))
-(first-words txs-decimals 5)
-(first-words txs-punc-and-split-elems 5)
-(first-words txs-dashes 5)
-(first-words txs-parens-commas 5)
-(first-words txs-short 5)
-@defproc[(normalize [str string?]) string?]{
-Removes all non-space/non-alphanumeric characters from @racket[_str], converts it to lowercase, and
-replaces all spaces with hyphens.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(normalize "Why, Hello World!")
-(normalize "My first-ever 99-argument function, haha")
-@section{Article parsers and helpers}
-@defparam[listing-context ctxt (or/c 'blog 'feed 'print "") #:value ""]
-A parameter specifying the current context where any listings of articles would appear. Its purpose
-is to allow articles to exclude themselves from certain special collections (e.g., the blog, the RSS
-feed, print editions). Any article whose @code{conceal} meta matches the current context will not be
-included in any listings returned by the listing functions in
-@defproc[(default-title [body-txprs (listof txexpr?)]) string?]
-Given a list of tagged X-expressions (the elements of an article’s doc, e.g.), returns a string
-containing a suitable title for the document. (Uses @racket[first-words].)
-Titles are not required for articles, but there are contexts where you need something that serves as
-a title if one is not present, and that’s what this function supplies.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(define doc
- '(root (p "If I had been astonished at first catching a glimpse of so outlandish an "
- "individual as Queequeg circulating among the polite society of a civilized "
- "town, that astonishment soon departed upon taking my first daylight "
- "stroll through the streets of New Bedford…")))
-(default-title (get-elements doc))]
-@defproc[(current-series-pagenode) pagenode?]
-If @code{(current-metas)} has the key @racket['series], converts its value to the pagenode pointing to
-that series, otherwise returns @racket['||].
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(require pollen/core)
-(parameterize ([current-metas (hash 'series "marquee-fiction")])
- (current-series-pagenode))]
-@defproc[(current-series-noun) string?]
-If @code{(current-metas)} has the key @racket['series] and if there is a corresponding
-@racket[series] in the @racket[series-list], return its @racket[series-noun-singular] value;
-otherwise return @racket[""].
-@defproc[(current-series-title) string?]
-If @code{(current-metas)} has the key @racket['series] and if there is a corresponding
-@racket[series] in the @racket[series-list], return its @racket[series-title] value;
-otherwise return @racket[""].
-@defproc[(invalidate-series) (or/c void? boolean?)]
-If the current article specifies a @racket['series] meta, and if a corresponding @filepath{}
-file exists in @racket[series-folder], attempts to “touch” the last-modified timestamp on that file,
-returning @racket[#t] on success or @racket[#f] on failure. If either precondition is not true,
-returns @|void-const|.
-When an article is being rendered, that means the article has changed, and if the article has
-changed, its series page (if any) should be updated as well. Touching the @filepath{} file
-for a series page triggers a re-render of that page when running @tt{make web} to rebuild the web
-content (see @repo-file{makefile}).
-Only used in one place, @repo-file{tags-html.rkt}.
-@defproc[(disposition-values [str string?]) any]
-Given a string @racket[_str], returns two values: the portion of the string coming before the first
-space, and the rest of the string.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(disposition-values "* thoroughly recanted")]
-@defproc[(build-note-id [tx txexpr?]) non-empty-string?]
-Given a @code{note} tagged X-expression, returns an identifier string to uniquely identify that note
-within an article. This identifier is used as an anchor link in the note’s HTML, and as part of the
-note’s primary key in the SQLite cache database.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(build-note-id '(note [[date "2018-02-19"]] "This is an example note"))
-(build-note-id '(note [[date "2018-03-19"] [author "Dean"]] "Different author!"))
-@defproc[(notes->last-disposition-values [txprs (listof txexpr?)]) any]
-Given a list of tagged X-expressions (ideally a list of @code{note}s), returns two values: the value
-of the @racket['disposition] attribute for the last note that contains one, and the ID of that note.
-@examples[#:eval dust-eval
-(define notelist
- (list
- '(note [[date "2018-02-19"] [disposition "* problematic"]] "First note")
- '(note [[date "2018-03-19"]] "Second note")
- '(note [[date "2018-04-19"] [disposition "† recanted"]] "Third note")))
-(notes->last-disposition-values notelist)]
-@section{Date formatters}
-@defproc[(ymd->english [ymd-string string?]) string?]
-Converts a date-string of the form @code{"YYYY-MM-DD"} to a string of the form @code{"Monthname D,
-If the day number is missing from @racket[_ymd-string], the first day of the month is assumed. If
-the month number is also missing, January is asssumed. If the string cannot otherwise be parsed as
-a date, an exception is raised.
-If any spaces are present in @racket[_ymd-string], everything after the first space is ignored.
-@defproc[(ymd->dateformat [ymd_string string?] [dateformat string?]) string?]
-Converts a date-string of the form @code{"YYYY-MM-DD"} to another string with the same date
-formatted according to @racket[_dateformat]. The
-@ext-link[""]{pattern syntax
-of the date format} comes from the Unicode CLDR.
DELETED code-docs/main.scrbl
Index: code-docs/main.scrbl
--- code-docs/main.scrbl
+++ code-docs/main.scrbl
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt"
- racket/runtime-path
- (for-label racket/base
- "../crystalize.rkt"))
-@title{Local Yarn: Source Code Notes}
-@author{Joel Dueck}
-These are my notes about the internals of the Local Yarn source code. In other words, a personal
-reference, rather than a tutorial.
-You’ll get the most out of these notes if you have read @other-doc['(lib
-"pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")], and worked through the tutorials there by hand.
-@margin-note{Note that these pages are heavily interlinked with the central Racket documentation at
-@tt{}, which are written and maintained by others.
-Some links from those pages will not work unless you @ext-link["#"]{open this page in its own tab}.
-Here’s a rough diagram showing how the @tt{.rkt} modules in this project relate to each other, and
-to the Pollen source documents. This is the least complex system I could devise that would @tt{A)}
-implement everything I want in my @secref["design-goals"], @tt{B)} cleanly separate dependencies for
-print and web output, and @tt{C)} organize an ever-growing collection of hundreds of individual
-notes and articles without noticable loss of speed.
-@(define-runtime-path source-diagram "source-diagram.png")
-The modules are arranged vertically: those on the upper rows provide bindings which are used by
-those on the lower rows. The bottom row are the @tt{} files that make up @tech{articles} and
-Individual articles, while they are being rendered to HTML pages, save copies of their metadata and
-HTML to the SQLite cache. This is done by calling @racket[parse-and-cache-article!] from within
-their template.
-Any pages that gather content from multiple articles, such as Series pages and the RSS feed, pull
-this content directly from the SQLite cache. This is much faster than trawling through Pollen’s
-cached metas of every article looking for matching articles.
-@include-section["pollen.scrbl"] @; pollen.rkt
-@include-section["dust.scrbl"] @; dust.rkt
-@include-section["snippets-html.scrbl"] @; you get the idea
DELETED code-docs/other-files.scrbl
Index: code-docs/other-files.scrbl
--- code-docs/other-files.scrbl
+++ code-docs/other-files.scrbl
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")
-@(require (for-label racket/base "../cache.rkt"))
-@title[#:tag "other-files"]{Other files}
-@section{Home page (@filepath{index.html.pp})}
-Simple Pollen preprocessor file that generates the home page.
-@section{Keyword Index (@filepath{keyword-index.rkt})}
-Through its provided @tt{main} function, builds the keyword index page by pulling all the index
-entries directly from the SQLite cache and sorting them by first letter.
-@section{Blog (@filepath{blog.rkt})}
-Through its provided @tt{main} function, creates a paginated listing of all @tech{articles} and
-@section{RSS Feed (@filepath{rss-feed.rkt})}
-Through its provided @tt{main} function, creates the RSS feed in the file @filepath{feed.xml}. Both
-articles and notes are included. Any article or note with either @racket["all"] or @racket["feed"]
-in its @racket['conceal] meta is excluded.
-@section{Cache initialization (@filepath{util/init.rkt})}
-Creates and initializes the cache database with @racket[init-cache-db!] and
-@section{New article template (@filepath{util/newpost.rkt})}
-Prompts for a title, creates an article with a normalized version of the filename and today’s date,
-and opens the article in an editor.
DELETED code-docs/pollen.scrbl
Index: code-docs/pollen.scrbl
--- code-docs/pollen.scrbl
+++ code-docs/pollen.scrbl
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")
-@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"
- "../dust.rkt"
- "../cache.rkt"
- "../crystalize.rkt"
- racket/base
- racket/contract
- racket/string
- txexpr
- pollen/tag
- pollen/setup
- pollen/core
- sugar/coerce))
-@title[#:tag "pollen-rkt"]{Pollen}
-@defmodule["pollen.rkt" #:packages ()]
-The file @filepath{pollen.rkt} is implicitly @code{require}d in every template and every @code{#lang
-pollen} file in the project. It defines the markup for all Pollen documents, and also re-provides
-everything provided by @seclink["cache-rkt"]{@filepath{cache.rkt}} and
-The @code{setup} module towards the top of the file is used as described in
-@section{Markup reference}
-These are the tags that can be used in any of @italic{The Local Yarn}’s Pollen documents (articles,
-@defproc[(title [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Supplies a title for the document. You can use any otherwise-valid markup within the title tag.
-Titles are optional; if you don’t specify a title, the article will appear without one. This is
-a feature!
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(excerpt [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(excerpt* [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-Specify an excerpt to be used when the article or note included in an excerpt-style listing (such as
-the blog). The contents of @racket[excerpt] will be extracted out of the article and note and only
-appear in listings; if @racket[excerpt*] is used, its contents will be left in place in the
-article/note and @emph{reused} as the excerpt in listings.
-@defproc[(p [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Wrap text in a paragraph. You almost never need to use this tag explicitly;
-just separate paragraphs by an empty line.
-Single newlines within a paragraph will be replaced by spaces, allowing you to use
-@ext-link[""]{semantic line wrapping}.
-@defproc[(newthought [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-An inline style intended for the first few words of the first paragraph in a new section. Applies
-a “small caps” style to the text. Any paragraph containing a @code{newthought} tag is given extra
-vertical leading.
-Rule of thumb: within an article, use either @code{section}/@code{subsection} or @code{newthought}
-to separate sections of text, but not both. Even better, keep it consistent across articles within
-a series.
-If you just need small caps without affecting the paragraph, use @racket[caps].
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(section [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(subsection [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-Create second- and third-level headings, respectively. This is counting the article's title as the
-first-level header (even if the current article has no title).
-@defproc[(block [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-A container for content that should appear grouped together on larger displays. Intended for use in
-Series pages, where the template is very minimal to allow for more customization. You would want
-output from @racket[(fenced-listing (articles 'short))] to appear inside a @racket[block], but when
-using @racket['excerpt] or @racket['full] in place of @racket['short] in that code, you would want
-the output to appear outside it (since the “full” and “excerpt” versions of each article effectively
-supply their own blocks). Only relevant to HTML output.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(link [link-id stringish?] [link-text xexpr?]) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(url [link-id stringish?] [url string?]) void?])]{
-All hyperlinks are specified reference-style. So, to link some text, use the @code{link} tag with
-an identifier, which can be a string, symbol or number. Elsewhere in the text, use @code{url} with
-the same identifier to specify the URL:
- #lang pollen
- If you need help, ◊link[1]{Google it}.
- ◊url[1]{}
-The @code{url} tag for a given identifier may be placed anywhere in the document, even before it is
-referenced. If you create a @code{link} for an identifier that has no corresponding @code{url},
-a @code{"Missing reference: [link-id]"} message will be substituted for the URL. Conversely,
-creating a @code{url} that is never referenced will produce no output and no warnings or errors.
-@defproc*[([(xref [title string?]) txexpr?]
- [(xref [article-base string?] [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-Hyperlink to another article within @italic{The Local Yarn} using an @racket[_article-base], which
-is the base filename only of an @tech{article} within @racket[articles-folder] (without the
-@filepath{} extension).
-If a single argument is supplied (@racket[_title]) it is typeset italicized as the link text, and
-its @racket[normalize]d form is used as the article base to generate the link. If more than one
-argument is supplied, the first is used as the article base, and the rest are used as the contents
-of the link.
- #lang pollen
- A link to ◊xref{My Ultimate Article} will link to “”.
- A link using ◊xref["my-ultimate-article"]{this form} goes to the same place.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(figure [image-file string?] [caption xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(figure-@2x [image-file string?] [caption xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-Insert a block-level image. The @racket[_image-file] should be supplied as a filename only, with no
-folder names. It is assumed that the image is located inside an @racket[images-folder] within the
-same folder as the source document.
-For web output, using @racket[figure-@2x] will produce an image hard-coded to display at half its
-actual size, or the width of the text block, whichever is smaller.
-@defproc[(image-link [image-file string?] [link-text xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Adds a hyperlink to @racket[_image-file], supplied as a filename only with no folder names. It is
-assumed that the image is located inside an @racket[images-folder] within the same folder as the
-source document.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(fn [fn-id stringish?]) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(fndef [fn-id stringish?] [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-As with hyperlinks, footnotes are specified reference-style. In the output, footnotes will be
-numbered according to the order in which their identifiers are referenced in the source document.
- #lang pollen
- Shoeless Joe Jackson was one of the best players of all time◊fn[1].
- ◊fndef[1]{But he might have lost the 1919 World Series on purpose.}
-You can refer to a given footnote definition more than once.
-The @code{fndef} for a given id may be placed anywhere in the source document, even before it is
-referenced. If you create a @code{fn} reference without a corresponding @code{fndef},
-a @code{"Missing footnote definition!"} message will be substituted for the footnote text.
-Conversely, creating a @code{fndef} that is never referenced will produce no output, warning or
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(dialogue [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(say [interlocutor string?] [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(saylines [interlocutor string?] [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-Use these tags together for transcripts of dialogue, chats, screenplays, interviews and so
-forth. The @racket[saylines] tag is the same as @racket[say] except that within @racket[saylines],
-linebreaks within paragraphs are preserved.
-Example usage:
- #lang pollen
- ◊dialogue{
- ◊say["Tavi"]{You also write fiction, or you used to. Do you still?}
- ◊say["Lorde"]{The thing is, when I write now, it comes out as songs.}
- }
-@defproc[(index [#:key key string? ""] [elements xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Creates a bidirectional link between this spot in the document and an entry in the keyword index
-under @racket[_key]. If @racket[_key] is not supplied, the string contents of @racket[_elements] are
-used as the key. Use @tt{!} to split @racket[_key] into a main entry and a subentry.
-The example below will create two index entries, one under the heading “compassion” and one under
-the main heading "cats" and a subheading “stray”:
- #lang pollen
- “I have a theory which I suspect is rather immoral,” Smiley
- went on, more lightly. “Each of us has only a quantum of
- ◊index{compassion}. That if we lavish our concern on every
- stray ◊index[#:key "cats!stray"]{cat} we never get to the
- centre of things. What do you think of it?”
-@defproc[(note [#:date date-str non-empty-string?]
- [#:author author string? ""]
- [#:author-url author-url string? ""]
- [#:disposition disp-str string? ""]) txexpr?]{
-Add a @tech{note} to the “Further Notes” section of the article.
-The @code{#:date} attribute is required and must be of the form @tt{YYYY-MM-DD}.
-The @code{#:author} and @code{#:author-url} attributes can be used to credit notes from other
-people. If the @code{#:author} attribute is not supplied then the value of @code{default-authorname}
-is used.
-The @code{#:disposition} attribute is used for notes that update or alter the whole disposition of
-the article. It must be a string of the form @racket[_mark _past-tense-verb], where @racket[_mark]
-is a symbol suitable for use as a marker, such as * or †, and @racket[_past-tense-verb] is the word
-you want used to describe the article’s current state. An article stating a metaphysical position
-might later be marked “recanted”; a prophecy or prediction might be marked “fulfilled”.
-#lang pollen
-◊note[#:date "2019-02-19" #:disposition "✓ verified"]{I wasn’t sure, but now I am.}
-If more than one note contains a @code{disposition} attribute, the one from the most recent note is
-the one used.
-Some caveats (for now):
- @item{Avoid defining new footnotes using @code{fndef} inside a @code{note}; these footnotes will
- be placed into the main footnote section of the article, which is probably not what you want.}
-@defproc[(verse [#:title title string? ""] [#:italic? italic boolean? #f] [element xexpr?] ...)
- txexpr?]{
-Typeset contents as poetry, with line breaks preserved and the block centered on the longest line.
-To set the whole block in italic, use @code{#:italic? #t} — otherwise, use @code{i} within the
-If the first element in an article is a @racket[verse] tag with the @racket[#:title] attribute
-specified, that title is used as the article’s title if the normal @racket[title] tag is absent.
-To cite a source, use @racket[attrib] immediately afterward.
-@defproc[(magick [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Typeset contents using historical ligatures and the “long s” conventions of 17th-century English
-@defproc[(blockquote [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Surrounds a block quotation. To cite a source, use @racket[attrib] immediately afterward.
-@defproc[(attrib [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-An attribution line, for citing a source for a block quotation, epigraph or poem.
-@defproc[(blockcode [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]{
-Typeset contents as a block of code using a monospace font. Line breaks are preserved.
-@deftogether[(@defproc[(i [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(em [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(b [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(mono [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(strong [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(strike [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(ol [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(ul [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(item [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(sup [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(caps [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?]
- @defproc[(code [element xexpr?] ...) txexpr?])]{
-Work pretty much how you’d expect.
-@section{Convenience macros}
-@defform[(for/s thing-id listofthings result-exprs ...)
- #:contracts ([listofthings (listof any/c)])]{
-A shorthand form for Pollen’s @code{for/splice} that uses far fewer brackets when you’re only
-iterating through a single list.
-#lang pollen
-◊for/s[x '(7 8 9)]{Now once for number ◊x}
-◊;Above line is shorthand for this one:
-◊for/splice[[(x (in-list '(7 8 9)))]]{Now once for number ◊x}
-@section{Defining new tags}
-I use a couple of macros to define tag functions that automatically branch into other functions
-depending on the current output target format. This allows me to put the format-specific tag
-functions in separate files that have separate places in the dependency chain. So if only the HTML
-tag functions have changed and not those for PDF, the @filepath{makefile} can ensure only the HTML
-files are rebuilt.
-@defproc[#:kind "syntax"
- (poly-branch-tag (tag-id symbol?))
- (-> txexpr?)]{
-Defines a new function @racket[_tag-id] which will automatically pass all of its arguments to a
-function whose name is the value returned by @racket[current-poly-target], followed by a hyphen,
-followed by @racket[_tag]. So whenever the current output format is @racket['html], the function
-defined by @racket[(poly-branch-tag _p)] will branch to a function named @racket[html-p]; when the
-current format is @racket['pdf], it will branch to @racket[pdf-p], and so forth.
-You @emph{must} define these branch functions separately, and you must define one for @emph{every}
-output format included in the definition of @racket[poly-targets] in this file’s @racket[setup]
-submodule. If you do not, you will get “unbound identifier” errors at expansion time.
-The convention in this project is to define and provide these branch functions in separate files:
-see, e.g., @filepath{tags-html.rkt}.
-Functions defined with this macro @emph{do not} accept keyword arguments. If you need keyword
-arguments, see @racket[poly-branch-kwargs-tag].
-@margin-note{The thought behind having two macros so similar is that, by cutting out handling for keyword
-arguments, @racket[poly-branch-tag] could produce simpler and faster code. I have not verified if
-this intuition is meaningful or correct.}
-@defproc[#:kind "syntax"
- (poly-branch-kwargs-tag (tag-id symbol?))
- (-> txexpr?)]{
-Works just like @racket[poly-branch-tag], but uses Pollen’s @racket[define-tag-function] so that
-keyword arguments will automatically be parsed as X-expression attributes.
-Additionally, the branch functions called from the new function must accept exactly two arguments:
-a list of attributes and a list of elements.
DELETED code-docs/scribble-helpers.rkt
Index: code-docs/scribble-helpers.rkt
--- code-docs/scribble-helpers.rkt
+++ code-docs/scribble-helpers.rkt
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket/base
-; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-;; Convenience/helper functions for this project’s Scribble documentation
-(require scribble/core
- scribble/manual/lang
- scribble/html-properties
- scribble/private/manual-sprop
- scribble/decode
- racket/runtime-path
- (only-in net/uri-codec uri-encode))
-(provide (all-defined-out))
-(define-runtime-path custom-css "custom.css")
-(define repo-url/ "")
-;; Link to a ticket on the Fossil repository by specifying the ticket ID.
-;; The "_parent" target breaks out of the iframe used by the Fossil repo web UI.
-(define (ticket id-str)
- (hyperlink (string-append repo-url/ "tktview?name=" id-str)
- "ticket "
- (tt id-str)
- #:style (style #f (list (attributes '((target . "_parent")))))))
-;; Link to a wiki page on the Fossil repository by specifying the title
-(define (wiki title)
- (hyperlink (string-append repo-url/ "wiki?name=" (uri-encode title))
- title
- #:style (style #f (list (attributes '((target . "_parent")))))))
-;; Link somewhere outside these docs or Racket docs. The `_blank` target opens in a new tab.
-(define (ext-link url-str . elems)
- (keyword-apply hyperlink '(#:style) (list (style #f (list (attributes '((target . "_blank"))))))
- url-str
- elems))
-;; Link to show contents of the latest checked-in version of a file
-;; (or a file listing if a directory was specified)
-(define (repo-file filename)
- (hyperlink (string-append repo-url/ "file/" filename)
- (tt filename)
- #:style (style #f (list (attributes '((target . "_parent")))))))
-(define (responsive-retina-image img-path)
- (image img-path
- #:scale 0.5
- #:style (style #f (list (attributes '((style . "max-width:100%;height:auto;")))))))
-;; From
-(define (terminal . args)
- (compound-paragraph (style "terminal" (list (css-style-addition custom-css) (alt-tag "div")))
- (list (apply verbatim args))))
-(define (cmd . args)
- (elem #:style (style #f (list (color-property "black"))) (tt args)))
-(define (fileblock filename . inside)
- (compound-paragraph
- (style "fileblock" (list* (alt-tag "div") 'multicommand
- (box-mode "RfileboxBoxT" "RfileboxBoxC" "RfileboxBoxB")
- scheme-properties))
- (list
- (paragraph (style "fileblock_filetitle" (list* (alt-tag "div") (box-mode* "RfiletitleBox") scheme-properties))
- (list (make-element
- (style "fileblock_filename" (list (css-style-addition custom-css)))
- (if (string? filename)
- (filepath filename)
- filename))))
- (compound-paragraph
- (style "fileblock_filecontent" (list* (alt-tag "div") (box-mode* "RfilecontentBox") scheme-properties))
- (decode-flow inside)))))
DELETED code-docs/scribble-iframe.html
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--- code-docs/scribble-iframe.html
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DELETED code-docs/series.scrbl
Index: code-docs/series.scrbl
--- code-docs/series.scrbl
+++ code-docs/series.scrbl
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt"
- scribble/example)
-@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"
- "../series-list.rkt"
- "../dust.rkt"
- "../cache.rkt"
- pollen/core
- racket/base
- racket/contract))
-@title{Defining Series}
-To create a new series:
-@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
- @item{Create a file @filepath{} inside @racket[series-folder] and include a call
- to @racket[fenced-listing] to list all the articles and notes that will be included in the series:
- @codeblock|{
-#lang pollen
-◊(define-meta title "My New Series")
-◊block{Here’s what we call a bunch of similar articles:
-◊(fenced-listing (articles 'short))
- }|
- }
- @item{Add an entry for @racket[_my-key] to @racket[series-list] in @filepath{series-list.rkt}}
- @item{Use @racket[(define-meta series "my-key")] in articles to add them to the series.}
- @item{If @racket[series-ptree-ordered?] is @racket[#t], create a @seclink["Pagetree" #:doc '(lib
- "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")]{pagetree} file in @racket[series-folder] named
- @filepath{my-key.ptree}.}
- ]
-@section{Series list}
-@defmodule["series-list.rkt" #:packages ()]
-This module contains the most commonly used bits of meta-info about @tech{series}. Storing these
-bits in a hash table of structs makes them faster to retrieve than when they are stored inside the
-metas of the Pollen documents for the series themselves.
-@defthing[series-list hash?]{
-An immutable hash containing all the title and noun info for each @tech{series}. Each key is
-a string and each value is a @racket[series] struct.
-@defstruct[series ([key string?]
- [title string?]
- [noun-plural string?]
- [noun-singular string?]
- [ptree-ordered? boolean?])]{
-Struct for holding metadata for a @tech{series}. The @racket[_ptree-ordered?] value should be
-@racket[#t] if there is a @filepath{@italic{key}.ptree} file in @racket[series-folder] that provides
-information on how articles in the series are ordered.
DELETED code-docs/snippets-html.scrbl
Index: code-docs/snippets-html.scrbl
--- code-docs/snippets-html.scrbl
+++ code-docs/snippets-html.scrbl
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#lang scribble/manual
-@; SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
-@; This file is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0.
-@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")
-@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"
- "../dust.rkt"
- "../snippets-html.rkt"
- racket/base
- racket/contract
- racket/string
- pollen/template
- pollen/pagetree
- txexpr
- sugar/coerce))
-@title{HTML snippets}
-@defmodule["snippets-html.rkt" #:packages ()]
-Each “snippet” module provides all (well @emph{most of}) the document- and article-level blocks of
-structural markup necessary for a particular target output format; this one is for HTML. The idea is
-that any block of markup that might be reused across more than one template should be a function.
-The functions in the snippets modules follow two conventions in this project:
- @item{Functions that return strings of HTML have the prefix @tt{html$-}.}
- @item{Such functions do not do any parsing or destructuring of complex objects; every separate
- piece that will be inserted into the template is passed in as a separate argument. This makes it
- harder to change the scope of what a snippet does, but makes things faster since all the parsing
- can happen in one place, before the snippet functions are called.} ]
-@section{Using @tt{pollen/mode}}
-It’s worth looking at the source for this file to see how @racketmodname[pollen/mode] can be used to
-make it easy to write “mini-template” functions:
-#lang pollen/mode racket/base
-(define (html$-my-article title body-tx)
- ◊string-append{
} section of an HTML document.
-If @racket[_title] is a string it will be used inside the @tt{} tag.
-If you want to include additional stuff inside the @tt{}, you can set @racket[_close-head?] to
-@racket[#f] to prevent it from including the closing @tt{} tag (you’ll have to add it
-@defproc[(html$-page-body-open [body-class string? ""]) non-empty-string?]{
-Returns the opening @tt{} and @tt{} tags and elements that immediately follow, such as
-site header, logo and navigation.
-If @racket[_body-class] is a non-empty string, its contents will be included in the @tt{class}
-attribute of the @tt{} tag.
-@defproc[(html$-series-list) non-empty-string?]{
-Returns an HTML @tt{} containing a list of all series, grouped by their “plural nouns”. The
-grouped list will flow into columns on wider displays.
-@defproc[(html$-article-open [pagenode pagenode?]
- [title-specified-in-doc? boolean?]
- [title txexpr?]
- [pubdate string?])
- non-empty-string?]{
-Returns the opening @tt{} tag and elements that immediately follow: permlink, publish date,
-and opening @tt{} tag.
-The @racket[_title-specified-in-doc?] form changes the HTML markup structure used.
-@defproc[(html$-article-close [footertext string?]) non-empty-string?]{
-Returns a string containing a closing @tt{} tag, a @tt{