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Ticket Hash: 751a7ebc2a26dfd0336be0522b7b28e6c07c7ae4
Title: Include site-wide footer on fossil repo pages too
Status: Closed Type: Feature Proposal
Severity: Cosmetic Priority: High
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-02-10 17:51:51
Version Found In:
User Comments:
joel added on 2020-02-05 19:00:40:

The pages served by the Fossil repo should have the same footer as the pages on the rest of the site.

When index.html is generated, it should also spit a copy of just the footer text into the scribbled/ subfolder, which is ignored by Fossil. Additionally, the make target for index.html should include the command fossil uv add scribbled/footer.html.

The Fossil skin's footer could then include the TH1 directive:

<TH1>unversioned content scribbled/footer.html</TH1>

joel added on 2020-02-08 17:58:22:

The fix is in on my end, but Fossil isn’t doing what it’s supposed to. Opened a discussion in the forums.