D 2020-03-10T18:43:51.722 L Why\sFossil? P 9badc4c82838b942dd85129c823b8f8fc4059693428c8a07183d3a41e1ca5669 U joel W 1666

Why Fossil?

[https://www.fossil-scm.org|Fossil] provides version control, and like most hep developers I use version control because of its several [https://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/whyusefossil.wiki|benefits]. However, you are likely reading this because of the implied second half of the question: why Fossil and not Git? Being familiar with Git, you may find the following analogy statement instructive: GitHub hosted repo : Self-hosted Fossil repo :: Expo floor booth : The Batcave It’s a rough analogy, but it works. Z b36e4b8b62b38c9daee6059161a71a4e