◊(Local Yarn Code "crystalize.scrbl at [c0e4841e]")

File code-docs/crystalize.scrbl artifact e3f76dfe part of check-in c0e4841e

#lang scribble/manual

@; Copyright (c) 2019 Joel Dueck
@; Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
@; are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
@; notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
@; without any warranty.

@(require "scribble-helpers.rkt")

@(require (for-label "../pollen.rkt"


@defmodule["crystalize.rkt" #:packages ()]

“Crystalizing” is an extra layer in between docs and templates that destructures the doc and stores
it in various pieces in a SQLite cache. Individual articles save chunks of rendered HTML to the
cache when their individual pages are rendered. The SQLite cache is then referenced by any page that
collects multiple articles and notes together. This is much faster than fetching docs and metas
through Pollen’s cache and re-converting them to HTML.

This module only provides three functions; almost all its code is private.

@defproc[(spell-of-summoning!) void?]

Initializes the SQLite database cache file. This involves creating the file
(@filepath{vitreous.sqlite}) if it does not exist, and running queries to create tables in the
database if they do not exist.

This function should be called near the beginning of any HTML template used to render an individual

I could have made it so the function is called automatically every time Pollen is run. But that
would mean it gets run even when the target is not HTML, which is unnecessary.

@defproc[(crystalize-article! [pagenode pagenode?] [doc txexpr?]) non-empty-string?]

Returns a string containing the HTML of doc. @margin-note{This is one function that breaks my
convention of using a prefix of @tt{html$-} for functions that return strings of HTML.} Privately,
however, it does a lot of other work. The article is saved to the SQLite cache. If the article
specifies a @racket['series] meta, information about that series is fetched and used in the
rendering of the article. If there are @racket[note]s in the doc, they are parsed and saved
individually to the SQLite cache. If any of the notes use the @code{#:disposition} attribute,
information about the disposition is parsed out and used in the rendering of the article.

@defproc[(article-plain-title [pagenode pagenode?]) non-empty-string?]

Fetches the “plain” title (i.e., with no HTML markup) for the given article from the SQLite cache.
If the article did not specify a title, a default title is supplied. If the article contained
a @racket[note] that used the @code{#:disposition} attribute, the disposition-mark may be included
in the title.

Note that this needs to be called @emph{after} @racket[crystalize-article!] in order to get an
up-to-date value.