@@ -53,15 +53,10 @@ every Pollen document in @racket[series-path]. The pagenodes themselves point to the rendered @tt{.html} targets of the source documents. @section{Metas and @code{txexpr}s} -@defproc[(attr-present? [name symbol?] [attrs (listof pair?)]) boolean?] - -Shortsightedly redundant to @code{attrs-have-key?}. Returns @code{#t} if @racket[_name] is one of -the attributes present in @racket[_attrs], otherwise returns @code{#f}. - @defproc[(maybe-attr [key symbol?] [attrs txexpr-attrs?] [missing-expr any/c ""]) any/c] Find the value of @racket[_key] in the supplied list of attributes, returning the value of @racket[_missing-expr] if it’s not there.