@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ racket/base txexpr sugar/coerce pollen/tag pollen/setup + pollen/pagetree pollen/core)) @(define dust-eval (make-base-eval)) @(dust-eval '(require "dust.rkt")) @@ -35,14 +36,23 @@ @defthing[default-authorname string? #:value "Joel Dueck"] Used as the default author name for @code{note}s, and (possibly in the future) for articles generally. -@defthing[series-path/ path-string? #:value "series/"] +@deftogether[(@defthing[articles-path path-string? #:value "articles"] + @defthing[series-path path-string? #:value "series"])] + +The path of the folder that contains the Pollen source documents for Articles and Series +respectively, relative to the project’s document root. + +@deftogether[(@defthing[articles-pagetree pagetree?] + @defthing[series-pagetree pagetree?])] -The path of the folder that contains the Pollen documents defining Series, relative to the project’s -document root. +These are project-wide pagetrees: @racket[articles-pagetree] contains a pagenode for every Pollen +document contained in @racket[articles-path], and @racket[series-pagetree] contains a pagenode for +every Pollen document in @racket[series-path]. The pagenodes themselves point to the rendered +@tt{.html} targets of the source documents. @section{Metas and @code{txexpr}s} @defproc[(attr-present? [name symbol?] [attrs (listof pair?)]) boolean?]