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Artifact 9badc4c82838b942dd85129c823b8f8fc4059693428c8a07183d3a41e1ca5669:

Wiki page [Why Fossil?] by joel on 2018-08-05 04:04:15.
D 2018-08-05T04:04:15.934
L Why\sFossil?
U joel
W 1601
<h1>Why Fossil?</h1>

[https://www.fossil-scm.org|Fossil] is a form of version control, and like most hep developers I use version control because of its several&nbsp;[https://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/whyusefossil.wiki|benefits].

As well, I wanted to keep everything in one place. <i>The Local Yarn</i> is (as noted elsewhere) not “a website”; rather it is <tt>A)</tt> writing, <tt>B)</tt> print and hypertext designs for the writing, <em>and</em> <tt>C)</tt> the source code that ties these things together. So I have always wanted to make the code, and the use of the code, a first-class part of the <em>thing</em> that can be explored here. In order to do that properly, I need it to live in the same place as everything else, rather than sending visitors off to an outside host like GitHub or&nbsp;GitLab.

However, you are likely reading this because of the implied second half of the question: why Fossil <em>and not&nbsp;Git</em>?

Being familiar with Git, you may find the following analogy statement&nbsp;instructive:

<pre><code>GitHub hosted repo : Self-hosted Fossil repo :: Expo floor booth : The&nbsp;Batcave</code></pre>

It’s a rough analogy, but it works. Fossil [http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/index.wiki|does more] than Git, it allows finer control of [http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/customskin.md|presentation] and [http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/webui.wiki|security], and is (for better or worse, depending on the project) well outside of the GitHub social network and pull-request&nbsp;system.
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